SoD Explained

One day, during a three-hour drive, I decided that I wanted to start posting a Song of the Day (SoD).  Music has always been a large part of my life. If I wasn't scared to get up on a stage, I probably would have pursued a career in music.  I am lucky enough to have managed to merge music into what I do on a day-to-day basis.  I work with performing artists.  Daily, they are asked to find something within themselves to connect with whatever music they are performing or performing to.  I've started to incorporate music into my work with them and after three years of working there it's hard for me to not also start connecting emotions and memories to music.

The SoD is something that I hear at some point in the day that resonates with me for whatever reason on that particular day.  I may or may not explain the reason.  Feel free to comment on your own reasons and interpretations.

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