Friday, February 17, 2012


I just got the inevitable Any fun plans this weekend? I despise that question.  I don't have "fun" weekends.  I literally sit my ass on the couch and read or write for the entire two days; with intermittent breaks to run errands, clean and do laundry.

This is what my life has become and will continue to be for at least 3 more years.  I chose to get back to school and I am okay with the time commitment.  I just wish everyone else was.  I cannot tell you the amount of backlash I've gotten from family, friends, dates, coworkers that usually sounds like c'mon you can't be that busy.  But I am, and the fact that they don't accept it and/or don't respect it is absolutely infuriating to me.

1 comment:

  1. I hate when I hear that too. I am not in school but I do work 40 hrs at my day job and then I am also starting my own web design business so I am always busy and they don't get that.
